StoneTree Farm

StoneTree Farm
StoneTree Farm

Sunday 2 June 2013

Meet Smudge

Meet Smudge! No I didn't name her but when I adopted her from the SPCA the name came with her. I might have chosen something else but I didn't have the heart to make her learn a new name along with a new home, new people to order about, new food, etc. So Smudge it is.

I probably could have taken over a small South American country for less trouble than the adoption process entailed. But I chose to adopt a cat. I have always had pets and these last few years flying solo have been lonely ones. Now that I have permanent residency, it seemed that I could settle in with a pet. A dog would have meant a lot of training and it rains all the time now so I couldn't picture myself outside doing the "Sit! Good dog." routine.

Off I went to the SPCA which is on the south side of Auckland near the airport. I live an hour north of Auckland near nothing. This meant that Yael had to bundle 3 kids in the car, give them morning tea in the car, and drive forever. She did it! I am so lucky. She kept those kids entertained while I wandered the cat aisles. Gorgeous kittens but we had decided that an adult cat was our best bet.

There were some fine ones but only one managed to uncoil herself from the back of the cage and come greet me, purring all the while. An hour later, a mound of paperwork, and significant inroads on my bank account later, she cuddled into her cat carrier, sat on my lap and took the long, long ride to the farm with nary a sound! I was congratulating myself on a wise choice.

One of the many papers I signed covered cat care for the first month. In it I promised not to let Smudge out of my room for the first week and not out of the house for the first 3 weeks. In this case, it meant a month in my room which was also my house. Two hours after leaving the SPCA Smudge went missing. Dan, Yael and I each separately searched my room. No cat. We searched the farm. No cat. We alerted the neighbors. No cat. Finally I sobbed my way back to my room and went to the hot plate to make myself a cup of tea.

There, behind the tea pot, sat Smudge gazing calmly at me. This was a Tuesday. By Saturday she had a roaring case of cat flu. On Monday the vet was so astonished at her temperature he took it twice. A procedure that Smudge made clear she did not appreciate. She was one sick cat. She didn't eat for 6 days. Or do much of anything for that matter.

Then she made a miraculous recovery and within 24 hours was catching mice. This has made her Yael's favorite non-person. Since she had been a farm cat in her former life, I expected her to adjust fairly well to this new life. She has exceeded my expectations. The remainder of her 3 week incarceration passed swiftly enough and the time came to "Let Her Out". (She talks in capital letters.)

So I let her out. I dreamed of doing some re-potting work on the deck on the left of the house in the picture while Smudge lay quietly in the sun adjusting to her new surroundings, smells, etc. I got the re-potting part right. However Smudge decided she didn't need any adjustments, leaped the railing and was off.

I called and called. I wandered around the house and yard over and over. It rained and rained. No Smudge. A day and a half later, I heard her meowing when I called but still no visibility. Finally I saw her up the hill lying on a woodpile watching me. She said hello but when I moved toward her, she ran off. Now I was cold, worried, and wet. And in a snit. I gave up and went to bed.

At about 9 pm I felt a cold draft on my neck as Smudge pushed open the door. Then she joined me for her evening snooze. She left in the small hours of the morning, returning periodically for food and friendship before disappearing again for most of the day. And that is how every day has been since her return. I have the companionship I dreamt of but on Smudge's terms. I can live with that. I've had cats before and you always end up in a relationship on the cat's terms. Reminds me of my marriage.

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