StoneTree Farm

StoneTree Farm
StoneTree Farm

Sunday 16 November 2014


We seem to have been on a losing streak lately. Stone Tree Farm is reeling from its losses. The little lamb in the middle there is still mourning her lost ram twin and I am sure the flock as a whole is grieving as they ponder the disappearance of 5 ram lambs and 1 fat, barren ewe. On the plus side, the lamb chops are delicious.

We ended up having one of our Angus steers converted to meat as well. It was pretty horrific. We had him with our neighbor's freezer bound steers in our holding paddock and those steers were beyond wild. They broke our fence, raced over a mile down the main road, terrorized the owners of a horse farm, and managed to gouge, cut and maim our steer in the process. He was too badly injured for recovery so when the butcher returned, our steer went as well. (I use the word 'return' because the butcher and his assistant had tried to help Dan corral the steers but finally said that the steers were too wild for them and left). Our poor neighbor came back from work to angry horse owners, dazed Dan, and destruction. Loss: 1 steer.
This is one of my deeply-adored roses. See what has happened to it? Birds, that's what. I keep it covered with netting at night and when I'm away from the farm but the birds peck right through. New Zealand is really, really tough on gun ownership but if I show the authorities this picture perhaps I could get a license and hide out in the garage waiting for my marauding birds. Below is a picture of a rose bush they have not yet demolished. Note the difference.
Loss: 2 rose bushes.

And finally, the loss that has hurt me the most. I was pretty torn up by the end to our gentle steer but yesterday one of my egg-laying pals got too adventurous and stuck her neck in the possum trap. Rest in peace, my friend.
Loss: 1 chicken.

Until next time.