StoneTree Farm

StoneTree Farm
StoneTree Farm

Monday 13 May 2013


I always liked Tuesdays. Mainly because Tuesday meant that the dreaded Monday was a full week away. Wednesdays were always called ‘hump’ day. Big deal! That only meant that I had as many days of servitude to spend as I had already put in. Thursdays suffered because I always wished they were Fridays. And then the long-anticipated Fridays arrived. But it was too much pressure for me. What if all my weekend plans didn’t meet my expectations? What if (Horrors!) I had to work? Fridays were too anxiety provoking for me. Give me quiet, little Tuesdays.

No more. This Tuesday has made Job’s tribulations fade by comparison. Dan and I are sharing the painting duties for the new porch floor (see picture). So far I have not covered myself with glory in the painting department. It seems I have not covered the boards with a thick enough coat of primer. So today I have been concentrating on doing it right. If my hands are any indication, those boards have a very, very thick coat.

While waiting for paint to dry (my new favorite occupation), I unloaded the possum traps and put 2 more in the possum cemetery. Then I took a turn around paddock #4 to see if the water tank was leaking. This was the high point of my day. It was a beautiful, soft Autumn day and I was away from the paint fumes. I could feel my sinuses opening up with delight.

But then, back to reality. The paint still wasn’t dry so I tackled cleaning the oven. Now my father, Col. Lord of Patton’s cavalry, always said “Never volunteer”. Words to live by and I have. Up until now, I guess. I really don’t remember volunteering but here I was up to my elbows in oven grease. This whole task was a distinct shock to me. In the States, I push a button and my oven self-cleans overnight. No fuss, no fumes, no mess.

The house here is over 100 years old and I’m pretty sure the oven isn’t that old but it’s definitely pushing 50 and never been cleaned. I won’t claim it was a perfect job but given my arthritis (I always have another excuse or two up my sleeve), the fumes, the mess, the endless scraping, etc. I think I did pretty well.

While writing this blog, it occurred to me that I should give Mondays a break. They were only horrible when I had weekends off but now that I am ‘retired’, I work every day so Mondays are just like every other day. Okay, Mondays, you’re off the hook.

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