StoneTree Farm

StoneTree Farm
StoneTree Farm

Wednesday 8 June 2011


It was very misty and overcast this morning so I didn't get to the sheep paddock until almost 9am. Why go when I couldn't see a thing. I discovered that the brown ewe adhered strictly to her doctrine that a little learning is a dangerous thing. She decided to forego my help with her birthing process and do it on her own. I'm not hurt; really, I'm not. I agree that a little learning can be dangerous but I read those chapters several times and would have liked to be given a chance to show off in front of the ram. I believe he would have been impressed. So I'm not hurt, just a tad disappointed.

Still, she has given us a charming little white lamb. And it must have happened fairly soon before I arrived because it lay around most of the morning. So, the white ewe has a black lamb and the brown ewe has a white lamb. But the ram is ecru colored. I really must refresh myself on Gregor Mendel's theory. I think it was sweet peas. Perhaps the theory doesn't extend to the animal kingdom. There I go again, running to the books for answers. It could be as simple as the ram has been cuckkolded. By both a black ram and a white ram? Probably not. I guess I'll google Mendel after all.

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